A patchwork view of life, some running, some knitting, some sewing.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Back again

Well, for all my good intentions, it's been a while since I posted on here. Over two months, and there was me going to post every week regardless.
To be fair, I was offline for much of that time while having yet more building work done. It's not yet complete, who knows now when it will be. It is soo stressful not being able to relax in your own home. The work we have to do has slowed up somewhat, because HWMBT is not well. In fact, he is very very not well. That leaves much of the work to me, which is really hard to fit in around a busy busy job and trying to get this marathon training done.
That's another thing, the marathon training. That has come to a grinding halt because of inury. There is only myself to blame for ignoring the niggle. So here I am sitting at the 'puter with a bag of frozen forest fruits bandaged to my left leg (I didn't have peas, but these will do the job just as well I would think). This means a walking VLM for me, as long as I can get some quality 'time on feet' between now and then. Not easy with all that is going on here and trying to be there for family as well - childminding and transporting to be done.
I really shouldn't be complaining, I have lots of positives in my life. So many good and supportive friends, a job that I have the enthusiasm and energy for. A good (and rather overwhelming) happening there, I've procured a job as a 'lecturer practitioner' no less! I'm proud, flattered, and a little 'who me?' about it. But I'm sooo enjoying being on university campus again.
One of the memorable highlights of the past couple of months has been the graduation of my eldest son from Cranwell RAF college. He's been in the RAF for quite sometime now, and has applied for officer training on more than one occasion. He eventually got accepted, but the training didn't take a smooth path. Like me, he ignored a niggle, it became an injury and he had to be 'recoursed' in order to recover. He is such a stubborn lad, that he just tried to push his way past the pain to achieve the required fitness standard. That stubborness however, paid off and he graduated on the 4th February. The photo I've chosen for this entry shows the range of emotions that we all felt. Pride, relief, happy, 'WOW'!!! and more - ok, it's enhanced with lots of lovely champagne, but I'm sure you'll see what I mean.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photo Sue! You're sooo right about how hard it is not being able to relax in your own home. Hope it's nearly over soon.

    Hugs to you all, sounds like you're having a bit of a tough time of it. One minute at a time if it comes to it girl, you can do it, and if you have to walk VLM then do it with your head held high! (but also remember there's always next year...)

