A patchwork view of life, some running, some knitting, some sewing.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Week Three

Well, that's week three over and done with, and finished on a positive note as well! I should have run on Wednesday, but this cold and ear infection has been hanging around so I waited until Thursday. I had a very very good run on the dreadmill and did the speedwork more or less as per schedule. Friday was not such a good one, I went out with the girls and struggled all the way. Rest day Saturday then the LSR on Sunday.
I've been following a thread on Runners World http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/forum/forummessages.asp?UTN=151449&URN=11&SP=&V=1&cp=34&dt=4&lastunread=1&lastviewed=8282443#lvm which is giving some excellent advice. Now, I've not been taking water or any energy suppliments on my runs that are 10 miles or less. After reading this thread and following the advice, I took some water and a gel with me. I was able to top up the water and I took the gel at the 4 mile (halfway) mark. What a difference, not only did I finish the run feeling ok, I came home and did some sewing and knitting as well as the usual cooking etc. Most importantly, I got up this morning feeling full of energy and raring to go. Which I did. to an RPM class, where I've not had the mojo to go to for months. So, a good run, a not so good run (understandable the day after speed work), and a fantastic run. Onward we go.

I was thinking when I was pootling along yesterday about the marathon, the London Marathon in particular. I suppose it's on lots of peoples 'Bucket List' to do. Some will, many won't. But it's good to have goals and aspirations, my 'Bucket List' gets longer as I get older and learn of more things I would like to do before shuffling off this mortal coil. Mostly the usual things, like swim with dolphins do a parachute jump, cuddle a tiger (I just love the cuddly look of a tiger). I did have the opportunity last spring to tick one thing off my ever increasing list and that is to walk on the Great Wall of China. I have no idea why I have always wanted to do this, just that I don't remember a time when I first thought of it. The experience was indescribable. the group I was with were lucky enough to be taken to a remote part of the wall and to walk along about 3 miles or so. When I say 'walk along', it was a little more complex than that. Enough to say, I had my Garmin with me, it told me that we had climbed nearly 1000ft in a mile and a half!
Here is one of my favourite photos of that time, it gives an idea of the vastness of that structure and how much work and planning it must have taken. Bear in mind that we are miles and miles from the nearest civilisation

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Week Two

Not as good a week as I'd hoped training wise. The snow and ice have played havoc with most peoples running plans.
I did run out on Friday though - outside, in company, no snow, no ice, no wind and no rain. It had been raining hard in the morning, but I was determined that I was meeting the group comewhat may. We had a lovely run - just 3½ miles but so rewarding.
My LSR had to be abandoned today though, I have a cough and a ear infection that would have made it silly and a little irresponsible to go. I've factored in an extra rest day and hope I can at least do SOMEthing tomorrow.

I have however done lots of shopping, the kind of shopping that lots of people love and I definitely DON'T. I needed some clothes for my son graduating from Cranwell RAF college in just over 2 weeks time. Eventually I have something smart for the daytime and posh for the evening time.

I met my friend this morning for our Sunday morning chat'n'stroll with the muppets (two black labs). It was a lovely fresh bright winter morning with a hint of a promise of spring in the air. We take advantage of the winter months and let the dogs run on the beach - come May, they will be banned until the winter months again. I love the beach in the winter, it's as it's supposed to be, with the waves crashing and beating on the shore and no crowds of sunworshipers to spoil the landscape. This may sound a little churlish, but in my world, beaches are for strolling on throwing sticks for the dogs - and even having a good gallop along on a fresh horse (I've done that in my time and there is no experience like it). The sunworshipers can have their beach in the heat of the summer though as I like to wander in the green cool forest at that time.

This morning, we were not the only ones enjoying the relative peace of a winter beach as you can see from the photo. Not my idea of fun, and you may not be able to see it in the picture, but the guys in the canoes were relishing the challenge of beating the wall of surf and making it to the calmer waters beyond the breakers.

Monday, January 11, 2010

here we go again

Well, it's about time I resurrected this blog. I pulled it down some time ago for reasons I won't go into now.
I'm woefully bad at keeping it up, but this time I will do my best.

I'm going to be doing the London Marathon again this year (note the 'doing' rather than the 'running'). I really would like to make a good show of it this year and finish in style. After all it's on my birthday - my 60th birthday no less.
I'm going to be using this blog to track my training - not so much the number crunching of miles clocked up or minute miles averaged - more the experience of the whole thing.
There will be good times and not so good times. There will be 'course I can do it times' and 'what the hell am I doing times'. I know this from past experience.
I also know from past experience that crossing that finish line is like nothing else in the world. This is the same for those who cross it in just over 2 hours and those who cross it in 7 hours or more (some take days!). All are experiencing an achievement that is second to none.

Of course, I have started on a 'not so good' note, in that running outside has been impossible because of the snow and ice. This has driven me to the dreadmill and probably contributed to the cold that has poleaxed me over the weekend. No matter, it can only get better as they say.

Some of my 'blogging' friends have been posting pics of their various achievments/experiences. I shall also try to do so. They won't always be running related but I shall do my best to keep you entertained.

Here is one I took back in the summer on my way home from Ilfracombe on the Waverly

This was such a peaceful end to a beautiful summer day, I like to look at such pics in the dead of winter, it reminds me that we are heading toward those lazy hazy days again.
Take care