A patchwork view of life, some running, some knitting, some sewing.

Friday, June 24, 2011

juneathon Day 24

Blimey this month is just zipping by! Janathon was much slower than this, but maybe I'm just a little fitter than I was back then. I'm beginning to see/feel as I was about 3 years ago. Fitter AND slimmer it must be said.

Not a bad day all told. A colleague needed some emotional support this morning, a nice chat over a coffee sorts most things out I feel. I had to do some timetabling - tricky but boring as well! and I managed to do some more work on my paper wot I'm riting.
My internet was intermittently going off again as was the interactive telly that HWMBT likes. A bit of shouting at the virgin peeps and they offered to come today between 4 and 7 to fix it. I was praying they would be here by 4 so I could get on with things and planned my day accordingly. I was going to find a problem crowbarring some exercise in, especially if they were late, so fingers crossed. Then I had a txt from HWMBT saying the man was coming early! So I hotfooted (drove) home and got here just before he did. To be fair, he seemed to know what he was doing and had us up and running pretty quickly, which gave me time to get to my scheduled exercise. Friday is swim day. Now slow is not the word for my swimming and I'd let it go for sometime and was building up again. I decided to go for the 1K all in one go, something I've not done for quite sometime. The most challenging thing about this is counting! I usually divide the swim into 100m, this meant 10 x 100m, so I doggedly swam and counted - 1of 1 2 of 1 .........all the way up to 10 of 10. I may have lost concentration at one point because suddenly  I couldn't remember if it was 2 of 8 or 4 of 8, to be sure, I made it 2 of 8. All in all 1K in 33.33 (satisfying in one way cos the numbers are so neat).

Now I'm sneezing and sniffling away, but feeling ok with myself.

I called into M+S and had a cheating tea of chicken curry, I cooked the chicken, Messrs M+S supplied the curry and the rice

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