A patchwork view of life, some running, some knitting, some sewing.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Another day done and dusted!

I have a slight cold, just the sniffles and a throat that feels as if I'm swallowning razorblades. Nothing like the manflu that disables half the population so badly . However Janathon is no respecter of such things so off to the gym for me after work!
I did take the dogs out this morning, but was a little later than I should have been and the pavements were icy, so we cut it a little shorter than usual.
 I was scheduled to run 3 walk 1 for 20 minutes which I did, and managed to keep my HR in zone 2 mostly. The fitness is certainly improving. I felt sort of unsatisfied, like still feeling hungry after a meal, so 20 minutes on the bike and 20 minutes on the eliptical trainer and I left it at that.

Having this cold I was wondering at the wisdom of this routine, but in my experience, a mild cold will give way to some workout of the body and will improve. This, of course would not be wise with something more serious like a chest infection or even the fullmonty cold that leaves one feeling wiped out.

I read on Twitter that someone had to pull out of Janathon because of pneumonia, that is sad, but sensible not to go on and make things worse. At this stage I would not like to have to retire from this game - my gremlins have given in and I'm beginning to resent anything that may stop me following my training schedule - however, life happens and some of us will naturally fall by the wayside on the way. That is not as important as the fact that people started and carried on as long as they could. So well done to those who have had to sit out on the sidelines and I guess Juneathon will be waiting in just over 5 months time.

1 comment:

  1. Very timely words for us as it's looking like Katy might have to cut back on the running... but you're right it would be sad to retire at this point. I applaud everyone that's taken part, but special mention to those that have had to switch it up and take on a different exercise due to some injury - it's amazing when people find another way.

    Feel better soon! :)
