A patchwork view of life, some running, some knitting, some sewing.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 12

I didn't really think when I signed up to Janathon that I would still be blogging and exersizing now 12 days later. There have been days when the gremlins on my shoulder would be whispering that missing one day out wouldn't matter, that in the long veiw it would make little difference Experience tells me differently though, I know that giving in to one day just leads on to another and life is allowed to get in the way of what really should be a priority. That is looking after one's self. I keep telling people that unless we look after ourselves that we are in no position to look after others, and I believe this to be true. In fact the Government is acknowledging that carers need care also.
As a result, I put my foot down today and went off to the gym to do my scheduled run/walk. It would have been easy to say, ok, I'll get your tea and give you a lift to wherever. Instead, I left with instructions on how to use the microwave and 'can you get a taxi if I'm not back?'. I found this hard to do, and felt soooo guilty, but here I am, blogging my 2 and a bit miles, feeling smug and endorphined up, and the Mr has fed and gone to his meeting so all is well. In my defence, I didn't know about his intention to go to this meeting until the last minute and would have been able to manage my time a little better had I known.
As a foot note, I am finding the running easier and am able to go just a touch faster each time without blowing up! I know - or at least I'm told - that we have such a thing as 'memory muscle', that will quickly 'remember' the previous fitness and adjust and adapt sooner than if we were starting from scratch. I sincererly hope this is the case. For the first time in a very long time, I'm feeling somewhat optimistic about the possibility of me being out there, pounding the pavements up in the double figures of mileage. The fresh air, and the long run zone followed by a nice warm bath is my idea of a good day spent!


  1. This blog was really inspiring to me! I too have gremlins (although I call it my inner child and boy is she sulky!) and really have to fight to get out there somedays. The fact that you have so many more responsibilities than me just really makes you an amazing person! You're right that carers need care too once and a while and I applaud that instead of asking for time to shop, read a magazine or just slob about, you're putting your best foot forward, getting fit and only asking for a nice relaxing bath in return.

    Bravo to you I say, if saying you're proud of a total stranger isn't too odd then that's the best way to sum up my reaction to this post. You go girl! Keep it up xx

  2. Nicely done Sue and nicely put steveandkatyrun.

    We have all got to have time for ourselves and the Janathon isn't self indulgent it is helping to keep us fit and active. How you fit it all in with your jobs and family I don#t know but I do admire you for it.
