A patchwork view of life, some running, some knitting, some sewing.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Could do better!

It's Saturday (at least it was when I was supposed to be writing this), so a busy family day for me. I like to start the day slowly, it's the only day of the week I'm able to do that. I got up at 8am - a long lie in for me. The intention for the day was good, but other forces got in the way. I had intended the usual dog walk then a trip to the gym for some cross training.
My daughter's cooker is broken, so while she is waiting for the insurance assessor she came to my house to use my kitchen and cooker. That was fine, but we needed to do some shopping first, then there was the children to amuse.
In the end, the dog walk was done, but with two little assistants. Lots of ball throwing and fun in the sun. Then we put the Wii on and played with that for a while. For those of you who don't have small children or grandchildren, you would not have experienced being soundly beaten by a 5 year old child. I have that delight regularly!  I could certainly do better!
I did manage to do a little sewing and lazily picked up a takeaway when taking the family home.
Today, I get a nice long walk with my mad friend and my dogs and will go to the gym and work as per schedule.
Today, I will do better.

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