A patchwork view of life, some running, some knitting, some sewing.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


much the same as yesterday. I was sooooo tempted to try a short small run, but resisted. I'm going to wait until I have new trainers from the new trainer shop after being gait analysed!

The gym was quite busy this evening, the January resolution people are still going, fair play to them, I wonder if it's a) a distraction from the anxiety of the recession (which I understand may be a 'double dip') or b) the money is paid, we are in a recession so I'm going to get my money's worth ??????

Perhaps I'm not being fair, but this happens every year, then attendance falls off by February/March, and increases again in the Autumn as people are trying desperately to 'get some weight off before Christmas'. Then they gain weight over Christmas and the cycle starts again.

At least people are doing 'something' rather than 'nothing' I suppose.

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