A patchwork view of life, some running, some knitting, some sewing.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day Five

I'm loving this Janathon (so far)! I had a not so good start to my day when one of my dogs got out of the back gate. They never go out alone and are absolutely never off the lead on the roadside, so they don't really have traffic sense. In fact Shaddow - the one who went exploring - doesn't really have a lot of sense at all! Just when I was in a state of panic and about to go searching the streets for him - he'd not responded to my calls at all - he came sauntering in as if it was the most  normal thing to do!
This made me late, so they had a quick jaunt around the block - not worth logging as exercise for me at all. I did manage my XBX though. It's a strange thing, just 12 minutes every day and after day 8 of that I really feel it's making a difference to my flexibility and maybe even some fitness. May be all in my head though.
I also (against my better judgement) caved in and stepped on the scales this morning. I last weighed New Years Eve. Nothing, Nada, Notanounce have I lost! And I promise I have been good with my food intake and have stuck to my fitness plan like a leech! Yes, I know, "step away from the scales, they mean nothing, it's body shape that is changing". Well, maybe, but when you see a BMI like I have, which is definitely in the obese range, it would be lovely to see those figures come down. Ah well, I've said that I'll carry on till the end of January, I'm bound to see a difference then.
Work was busy, but it was what I expected. One of the things about my job is that it does get very busy and demanding, and I get very tired by the end of the day quite often. But when I think about it, all I do is sit down. Either at my desk, or in my car, or in other people's houses. Today, I was driving back to the office feeling pretty drained and all I wanted to do was to come home and sleep! A little voice inside my head was telling me to go home and tomorrow is another day. I may well have given in to it and rescheduled today's run for tomorrow, but Janathon was sitting on my other shoulder tutting, wagging it's finger and shaking it's head. So to the gym I went. I carried out my schedule of run 3 minutes and walk 2 minutes for 25 minutes. I really felt I could have done more and felt - not smug - self satisfied. I also realise that head tired doesn't always mean body tired, it's learing to tell the difference and acting accordingly that's the trick I think.
Tomorrow is a running rest day. I'm also in job 2 which is lecturing at the university. No teaching tomorrow, but lots of assignments to mark, so more of the sitting. So a swim after work and maybe some weights if I can.

1 comment:

  1. In the few days I've been doing it I've definitely experienced what you're saying about Janathon sitting on your shoulder. It disapproves when you want to stop, cut a corner, take a day off! I guess it can only be a positive thing. As for the BMI comment - BMI is fundementally flawed for anyone partaking in regular exercise. It classes weightlifters (think Arnold Schwarzenegger) as being extremely obese! I know Arnie might not be the perfect person to put up alongside anyone, but all this exercise is definitely doing you good. Keep up the diet and exercise and I promise the end of the month will see your BMI rating improve - but don't beat yourself up over that figure!
